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Annabooks Software, LLC

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Embedded Intel Architecture SX
BIOS Software
1/20/97 1:34:00 PM

Vendor Information

Tool Description:

AnnaBIOS is a powerful and versatile PC-compatible BIOS product for the embedded systems developer. It also includes modules that specifically support the Intel386(tm) EX processor.
Since we supply you with the source code, Intel users may modify our BIOS to provide an embedded system with a wide variety of custom features, such as special boot procedures, custom screens, and special security features. The BIOS may also be modified to prevent error messages or boot failure due to missing system components, such as keyboards or displays. Placing a default system configuration in the BIOS can eliminate the potential boot failure if CMOS RAM is lost in an AT system. In general, having access to the BIOS in a documented and understandable form will greatly enhance a systems capabilities.
AnnaBIOS includes a User¦s Manual and a diskette. The disk contains the source code of the BIOS, predominately in C, plus the utilities we provide for you to create your own custom BIOS. Also included is a collection of personality modules used to set up the most popular chip sets during power-on. From time to time more chip sets are added to the list, these will be made available through our BBS.
The BIOS also contains our ROM-based monitor called SysVue which contains code for uploading, downloading, and executing Intel hex files. Additionally, we have a full feature debugger which may be purchased separately, which allows for detailed remote debugging through the serial port or a PromICE.
To use the AnnaBIOS, Microsoft C++, version 1.51 and Microsoft MASM version 6.11d are required.
If the AnnaBIOS does not meet your needs, AnnaSoft also sells and licenses SystemSoft BIOSs. Please contact us for more information.

Tool Features:

  • Basic AT BIOS Support for Intel x86 Processor Products

  • Includes Complete Source Code

  • Modular for use in Creating BIOS Extnesions

  • Integrated Full Feature Debugger Sold Separately

  • Development Platform(s):

    MS-DOS or Windows compatible system with 4M memory

    File Attachments:

    IA2_AN1.PDF - SolutionsIA Catalog Product Listing

    Supported Device Detail Matrix:

    Part & Package


    80386SX - 100ldPQFP
    80486SX - 168ldPGA
    80486SX - 196ldPQFP
    80486SX - 208ldSQFP
    80486SXSF - 176TQFP


    Vendor Information:

    Annabooks Software, LLC

    11838 Bernardo Plaza Court
    San Diego , CA 92128-2414
    (619) 674-6155

    Email :
    Fax : (619) 673-1432
    Toll Free : (800) 690-3870
    BBS : (619) 673-1773
    URL :

    Contact the vendor above for the latest Distributor information

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